Friday, March 6, 2009

This is why...

...I'm glad that new dog bed cover only cost me $1.

This is also why we needed a new cover in the first place. Once every few months the "puppy", now 1 1/2 years old, feels the need to destroy something. Bitter apple spray seemed to stop her from chewing up the bed at night. Unfortunately I left it lying too close to her cage today when I went to work (for her brothers to lay on) and she sucked it into her cage.

The good news is I might be able to fix it, the even better news is that if not I still have the other half of the sheet to make a new one from! This was at least sort of funny, much less tragic than a few weeks ago when Brian lost 2 pairs of slippers to the little mutt in the same week!


Farmer's Daughter said...

How can you stay mad at that face???

Jena said...

Oh I can't, that's the problem!! :)